How To Take Your CBD Side Effects And Dosage

How To Take Your CBD Side Effects And Dosage

Cannabidiol has been proven a good solution for many ailments. Known as CBD, one of many cannabinoids found in the plant. 

Using CBD does not lead to dependence or tolerance towards the drug, this makes CBD tempting for those who are looking for relief from multiple ailments and disorders. 

CBD doesn’t get you high or come with any form of intoxication, that’s caused by THC, another cannabinoid in the plant.

The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in regulating a variety of functions including pain, appetite, sleep and immune system response 

Information On Full Or Broad Spectrum CBD

Be sure to look for products made with full or broad-spectrum oil, instead of distillate or isolate to get the full scope of health rewards. Full-spectrum oils contain all cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, including both CBD and THC. Broad-spectrum oils contain most cannabinoids, but often don’t contain THC.

Research has found that THC and CBD may work better when taken together than they do when taken alone. This is referred to as the “entourage effect.” This can also be found with terpene profiles.

Full and broad-spectrum products are also less processed, which helps conserve some of cannabis’s organic compounds, like terpenes. Terpenes affect the taste and smell of the product, and they have medical benefits of their own.

Way Of Consuming CBD 

There are many types of CBD products to choose from now days mostly it’s a personal preference, for more CBD related reading material check out the rest of my blog (link) 

The Main way of consuming CBD are as Such:

  • Inhaling it by smoking or vaping it.
  • Applying it to your skin topically.
  • Taking it under the tongue (sublingual).
  • Ingesting it using edibles.

Vaping and Smoking CBD

You can smoke high-CBD cannabis flower in a joint or bong, use a vaporizer with a cartridge that contains CBD oil

Vaping and smoking allow the CBD to go directly into your bloodstream, so you’ll feel effects much faster than you will with other methods. In 10 minutes or less, you’ll absorb 34 to 56 percent of the CBD.

Keep in mind that smoking cannabis can expose you to carcinogens. While vaping bypasses this to some degree by heating cannabis up to just below the point of combustion. Still vaping might not be the safest way of consuming it but it is my preferred way. 

If you do decide to vape, avoid CBD vape cartridges made with thinning agents or carriers such as fractionated coconut oil (MCT), propylene glycol, or vegetable glycerin. These compounds may cause damage to lung tissue.

Ingesting it using CBD edibles

Edibles are a great and discreet way to try CBD. You can find a variety of CBD edibles including gummies, candy, also mints that do a great job of masking any herby taste.

Research has shown that eating CBD subjects it to something called the “first pass effect.” During the first pass effect, CBD is partially broken down by the liver and digestive tract. This means that the CBD can take up to two hours to kick in, and you’ll absorb about 20 to 30 percent of it.

Applying Topical CBD 

The next way to use CBD oil is through topical application, This is placing it on your skin in the form of a balm, lotion, or ointment.

This method is probably the easiest as it doesn’t require any special tools or experience to use. Just figure out the dosage you want  then apply that amount of balm to your skin.

This method is best for sore muscles, migraines, and skin conditions like acne. You can apply the balm directly to any sore areas, like sore neck, back, or feet. You can also apply it to your temples to help relieve headaches and migraines.

Sublingual Way Of Consuming CBD

You can purchase CBD oil tinctures, little bottles that look like eye drops, to take your cannabidiol sublingually (under your tongue).

Simply apply a few drops under your tongue from the dropper, hold it in your mouth for 30 seconds, then swallow. This method is discreet, beneficial, and gives you feelings of calm and tranquility. It’s believed that pure hemp oil concentrates are a good way to add a large number of cannabinoids to your day.

No matter how you choose to consume your CBD, please be aware that though CBD is well tolerated in our bodies, it may still cause adverse reactions with some people, and if on any other medication please consult your doctor before starting and new supplement. Also i’ll leave you with some CBD side effects and a dosage chart.

Taking CBD Side Effects 

Though CBD is generally well tolerated and considered safe, it may cause adverse responses in some people.

Side effects noted in studies include

  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Mouth 
  • Light-headedness
  • Drop-in Blood Pressure

CBD is also known to interact with several medications. Before you start using CBD oil, discuss it with your doctor before use.

How much CBD to take? 

Finally I leave you with a dosage picture, this is a rough amount to take based on your bodyweight, but with more serious conditions you might need more to fully feel relief.

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