Healthy Rips Fury 2 Vaporizer
The Fury 2 is a compact and pocket vaporizer with an ultra durable unibody built from a nearly indestructible, yet lightweight, kirksite alloy. The Heating element is below the stainless ateel loading chamber to extract your material through an efficient mix of convection and conduction.
The temperature on the Fury 2 is controlled by a simple three button interface and ranges from 320°F-430°F and it can reach 350°F in twenty seconds flat and can run for forty minutes per charge. The Fury 2 is powered by a 1600mAh 18500 LiPo battery and charges using a standard micro USB for maximum convenience. It comes with a OLED display that shows the temperature as well as the battery and sleep information.
The Fury 2 is turned on and off with three clicks of the top buttons adjust temperature.
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