Bongs can get disgracefully dirty and stinking. The resin that builds up on the inside of your bong is a dangerous mess and can be extremely difficult to clean.
It’s best to use some natural ingredients and a bit of effort to get your bong back to being clean and tasty.
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It doesn’t take long for a pristine bong to become a filthy dirtbag whore, which hurts the quality of your smoking, and can also destroy your health, here are some of the best ways to clean your little bong whore like new! Doesn’t take long and is well worth it.

Bongs you say? i’m sure i’ve got something here for you. We have many bubblers, oil rigs & dab rigs, some really nice glass, percolators everywhere!
Why it’s important to clean your bong
There’re a few good reasons to clear your bong, and the obvious reason is the bong taste. We’ve all been there either laziness or at a friend’s house and bam! It’s your turn on the dirty nasty bong, so you hit it and still get high… but you’re never the same! Filthy bong, filthy friend you’ll never think of them the same way again. Another reason Bacteria and fungus on your bong, and you’re just inhaling it like a fiend, I mean there’s no need to be that much of a fiend that you would rather inhale bacteria rather than clean the bong… (can totally mess you up)
How Often You Should Clean Your Bong
It depends how much bong you smoke, I’m more of a joint/pipe man to be honest but when I do hit that shit, the next day I’ll change the water. Best to keep it fresh and tasty, and I’ll do a proper clean whenever I see these next signs
Signs your bong needs cleaning
The first sign is smelly brown water, after a few days the bong water will go stagnant and turn a brown colour, definitely don’t smoke that shit! It takes a few seconds to change the water and you’ll notice a world of difference in taste. The thought of inhaling bacteria and mold and god knows what else should be enough to motivate a change of water. Next is resin build up, a more severe sign of bong in need of cleaning, resin build up of significantly alter the taste, small and overall vibe of taking mad bong hits to the face, the longer you wait on cleaning the bong, the more effort you spend cleaning it when you do.
How to Clean a bong with salt
Is one of the best ways to clean a bong, rock or table salt is more abrasive to the bong helps get all the resin off, here are the steps-
- Put a couple of tablespoons of sale in the bong, every compartment.
- Fill your bong part ways up with water, leaving enough room in the bong for the salt water to mix around.
- Cover the mouthpiece and bowl hole, and shake the mix vigorously!
- Even more shaking!
- After dump out the mix and rinse with warm water till all the salt is gone.

Best Bongs 100+
Highest quality bongs for your viewing pleasure, some say it’s more of an art piece then a smoking device, i say can’t it be both? dam you some sexy glass.
Cleaning a bong with alcohol and salt
This is the method I use to get the best result, with less effort but a little bit pricier than just salt, for this you’ll want 70% plus grade alcohol I use isopropyl 99% here’s the steps-
- Empty bong water, take away the bowl and stem to clean after.
- Add salt to the bong first, then the alcohol
- With the alcohol mix in your bong, shake, shake, shake some more! Keep on shaking till your happy with it
- You can place the bowl and stem of the bong in a container with the alcohol/salt mix, after a couple of minutes use a pipe cleaner.
- Dispose of the alcohol mix then rinse the bong many times with water.
Bong Cleaning Wrap Up
There are many ways to keep your bong clean, another way not previously mentioned is to buy expensive bong cleaners that are out, personally I think the alcohol and salt mixture to be very effective given enough shaking here